Motivational Hypnotherapy
Welcome to Motivational Hypnotherapy
Joel Thielke has always been interested in the human mind. He became an actor in 1997 because he loved becoming another person and seeing what drives and motivates them. That’s why he finds hypnosis so fascinating—it delves deeply into the subconscious part of what makes us behave in certain ways and why.
In 2005, Joel met a very well-known hypnotist in southern California and was invited to see him in action. The hypnotist was a board-certified clinical hypnotherapy trainer. Joel jumped at the opportunity to work with him and fell in love with the art of hypnosis right away, eventually completing his own training to become a board-certified hypnotherapist.
After a year of seeing clients, Joel was invited to continue to work under his skilled mentor’s supervision. By that time, Joel had also trained in regression therapy, meditation, and several other relaxation and change techniques. In 2007, he decided to open his very own office in Beverly Hills.
The business took off. He started working with several well-known actors, directors, and producers, as well as amateur and professional athletes. Because his clientele were such highly successful and driven people, Joel became known for working with high-performing and industry-leading individuals.
Purely by chance, the digital music industry was just starting to take off when a client and recording artist asked for a recording to help with his stage fright while on the road. That first project was the start of Joel’s expansion into the writing and recording of hypnosis and meditation programs.
Helping people through their most common struggles has always been Joel’s passion. He found that with recorded programs, he could grow to help millions of people all around the world. In 2009, he was one of the first hypnotherapists to launch an app in the Apple iTunes store. In 2014, Audible.com licensed part of Motivational Hypnotherapy’s extensive library of programs to be sold as hypnosis audiobooks.
Over the years, Motivational Hypnotherapy has expanded to keep up with the latest digital innovations, but Joel’s real passion is still hypnosis. He still has the same enthusiasm today as he did when he started fifteen years ago and is proud of the community his dedicated team has built. Motivational Hypnotherapy works together to integrate the healing powers of hypnosis and meditation into the mainstream of our culture.
Our values are as follows:










At Motivational Hypnotherapy, we have made it our goal to help people understand hypnosis and its benefits so it can be shared with the world. We are here to serve our community and do our part to help relieve human suffering. Our mission is simple: empower and inspire people through the art of hypnosis. We aim to do this by connecting with our community and continuing to roll out new, innovative ways to deliver hypnosis in the most effective capacities.
We care about you and strive to be a true partner in your wellness. We’re confident we will make a great team.

Joel has decades of experience and is well-known across our global community for his listening skills, soothing voice, and passion for helping others thrive. He takes his work very personally and is genuinely concerned for the welfare of each and every one of his patients.