Hypnosis for Pain
Managing Chronic Symptoms

Chronic pain is not something that is fair or easy to live with. Approximately 70 million U.S. adults live with chronic or high-impact chronic pain, and studies have shown its ability to take over people’s lives. Chronic pain makes it difficult to do chores, tackle responsibilities, socialize, play sports, and more—and that’s just the physical symptoms. The mental toll of chronic pain is difficult to define and harder to treat.
But you can find relief with hypnosis for pain by training your brain to more efficiently manage its effects and take back control of your life. Hypnosis works with your subconscious in a heightened state of awareness to break negative patterns. Your pain is physical, but you can work on your psychological or emotional responses to help you get back to the activities you love.

How Does Pain Affect My Mind?
When you suffer from chronic pain, it can be all-consuming. Researchers have found that all the regions of a healthy brain exist in a state of equilibrium. This means when one region is highly active, the others calm down so as not to overwhelm you. But the opposite is true for those with chronic pain.
In these frustrated individuals, a frontal region of the cortex fails to deactivate to compensate for the increased activity in the parts of the brain that process pain. This puts people in a near-constant state of both emotional and physical discomfort, altering neurons’ connections to each other and wearing them out.
When the body experiences such ongoing, unrelenting stress, the chemistry of the central nervous system can change and ultimately influence emotional, sensory, and other circuits that are typically responsible for inhibiting pain. This leads to psychological effects like poor sleep, mood changes, and hindered memory or concentration. In these cases, hypnosis for pain may be the ideal solution.
How Can I Manage My Pain?
Typical pain management works at the source—managing the discomfort of an illness or injury until the body has a chance to heal itself. Most of us are able to take some medicine to minimize the symptoms, and then we have to try not to aggravate the source of the pain until we’re healed. But when your pain is chronic, you may not ever be able to heal. You’re faced with ongoing pain—often at levels that aren’t well-managed with medication or only managed with medications that carry risks with extended use.
Hypnosis for pain management will enable you to live a full life in spite of your chronic pain. It’s all about training your brain to respond more effectively, so your pain doesn’t create a domino effect through the rest of your body. We teach you how to take the reins and restore control so you can lessen the uncomfortable side effects of your ailment.
How Can Hypnotherapy Help Me
Handle Chronic Pain?
When your prospects for relief seem dim, it’s easy to get into a downward spiral that consumes your every thought. Luckily, turning to the mind is one of the most powerful tools you can employ for pain management. As a coping technique, hypnotherapy can be extremely effective in helping people find both short- and long-term relief.
Hypnosis for pain is designed to keep you from feeling completely overwhelmed and help you regain control of your symptoms. Hypnotherapy helps to rewire how you process the intense, constant stimuli of pain, giving you a handle on the psychological response. You can learn these techniques over time, either with the direct guidance of a certified hypnotherapist or with downloadable programs that you can access when your pain is particularly high.
Hypnotherapy does not aim to eliminate pain—its purpose is to help you manage the long-term effects of that pain. Medications intended to treat the physical symptoms of pain are helpful, but carry risks when not used appropriately. Instead of seeking out temporary mental relief by eliminating the pain with medication, you need lasting solutions. The brain needs to understand and be trained in these solutions through the power of hypnosis.

Will Hypnosis Really Help Alleviate My Pain?

Since hypnotherapy helps you alter the way your brain processes pain, you will be able to regain a sense of control over your symptoms and your life as a whole. This lowers your risk for mental illnesses, keeps you engaged, and lets you focus on the things you love. Hypnosis for pain will empower you to be confident and at ease without anything standing in your way.
Of course, there is no guaranteed fix. Hypnotherapy is a highly individualized process, and anyone who uses it must be willing to invest the time and effort to change how they respond to their pain. But when you achieve this mindfulness, you will find a new lease on life.

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