Clairvoyance and Psychic Power – The Sleep Learning System

Clairvoyance and Psychic Power – The Sleep Learning System


Develop your clairvoyance, increase your intuition, and embrace your psychic power while you sleep through the night. You can use the power of guided hypnosis to hone your psychic energy.


Develop your clairvoyance, increase your intuition, and embrace your psychic power while you sleep through the night. You can use the power of guided hypnosis to hone your psychic energy.

The Sleep Learning System is specially designed to work with your subconscious mind during your sleep cycle. The guided meditation and soothing background music will deeply relax your body and mind for the perfect night’s sleep, while allowing you to access the deepest parts of your mind for faster and longer learning.

You’ll feel well rested, energized, and confident when you wake up, and will be more in tune with your intuition and natural clairvoyant abilities.

Joel Thielke’s guided mediation system gives you positive suggestions that will help you retain the information and positive changes so that you can fully embrace and develop your inner psychic.