lucid dreaming
Lucid Dreaming – The Sleep Learning System

Lucid Dreaming – The Sleep Learning System


Learn how to control your dreams and experience lucid dreaming. During your REM cycle, you’ll train your brain to learn the information and keep the positive suggestions needed to lucid dream. Soon, you’ll find it easier than ever to control your dreams.


Do you wish you could control your dreams? Are you interested in lucid dreaming? Lucid dreaming hypnosis allows you to explore and manage your dreams.

Sleep hypnosis works with your subconscious to help you learn and retain the information needed to lucid dream. Train your brain to control your dreams and begin getting the most out of them.

Once you are ready to begin your sleep hypnosis program, softly repeat one or more of the following phrases in your mind (choose whichever feels suitable for you): “I can remember my dreams,” “I can have lucid dreams,” “I can become conscious in my dreams” “I can realize when I am dreaming” “I can control my dreams” Of course, you can introduce any suggestion or affirmation you wish. Just remember to make every phrase positive and in the present tense: “I am calm and relaxed,” “I am strong and confident,” “I am in control. You are ready to begin your lucid dreaming phase. Softly repeat one or more of the following phrases in your mind (choose whichever feels right for you): “I can remember my dreams,” “I can have lucid dreams,” “I can become conscious in my dreams,” “I can realize when I am dreaming” “I can control my dreams” Of course, you can introduce any suggestion or affirmation. Just remember to make every phrase positive and in the present tense: “I am calm and relaxed,” “I am strong and confident,” “I am in control

Program perks may include:

  • Rejuvenating sleep.
  • Controlling your dreams.
  • Easier to achieve lucid dreaming.
  • A deeper connection to your mind and body.
  • Lucid dreaming hypnosis gives you a personalized dream experience.

You can hold power to control your dreams. Learn how to control your dreams and experience lucid dreaming with this instant download.