Business Success Collection – The Sleep Learning System

Business Success Collection – The Sleep Learning System


Be a confident and magnetic businessperson, be great at sales, get more organized and productive, and create career success, all while sleeping! It’s easy, and it’s all here in this Sleep Learning System collection.


Be a confident and magnetic businessperson, be great at sales, get more organized and productive, and create career success, all while sleeping! It’s easy, and it’s all here in this Sleep Learning System collection from certified hypnotherapist, Joel Thielke.

The Sleep Learning System is specially designed to work with your subconscious mind during your sleep cycle. The guided meditation and soothing background music will deeply relax your body and mind for the perfect night’s sleep, while increasing your confidence and drive to be the most successful businessperson you can be.

Program 1 – Time Management and Increase Productivity

Learn how to better manage your time so that you’re not as stressed, and get more accomplished with each day.

Program 2 – Super Motivation

Increase your focus and motivation towards achieving your goals. Keep your eyes on the prize and surpass your business and personal goals!

Program 3 – Be Great at Sales

Learn how to read others and sell to anyone, and increase your confidence and self-beliefs that you are great at what you do. Embrace your natural charm, charisma, and embrace your inner salesperson today.

Program 4 – Take Charge and Create Business Success

Boost your focus and concentration, and sharpen your memory while you sleep. You can remember details easier and faster today.